
Doctave builds a static site bundle into the site directory which is fully self contained. You can take the output of doctave build --release and deploy it in any way you see fit.

👉 Deploying under a custom path

By default Doctave assumes the deployed page is accessible under the root url. E.g.

If you want to deploy under a subdirectory, such as, you have to set the base_path in your doctave.yaml file. This will make Doctave generate URLs relative to e.g /docs instead of the plain root url /.

Read more here.

Below is a walkthrough on how to publish your docs on Github Pages. We will be adding more tutorials for other hosting options over time.

Github Pages

This guide assumes you have:

  1. Hosted your repository on Github
  2. Enabled Github Pages in your repository's settings

Disable Jekyll builds

First, you need to tell Github not to use Jekyll to build your site. You do this by including a .nojekyll file in the root of site.

In Doctave, you do this by adding the file under docs/_include.

On Mac/Linux:

$ touch docs/_include/.nojekyll

On Windows:

$ echo.> docs\_include\.nojekyll

Custom domain name (optional)

If you have a custom domain, Github requires you to create a CNAME file that describes your domain in the root of your site. Just like with the .nojekyll file, you need to place this under docs/_include.

Install gh-pages

There are a few ways to push your site to Github. One way, which we will follow here, is to use a gh-pages branch to publish the site. This means you build the site into a separate branch, commit only the site folder in that branch, not your other source code, and push it to Github.

Luckily, there is a handy command line tool, gh-pages that takes care of all of that for you. All you need to do, is run a single command, and your site will be published.

⚠️ Note about gh-pages

At the time of writing, gh-pages@3.1.0 does not work for projects without a package.json file. This is why this guide recommends using 3.0.0. Read more in this issue.

npm install -g gh-pages@3.0.0

Build your site

Next, build your site in release mode. This strips away some development-only dependencies:

$ doctave build --release

Your site should now be ready in the site directory.


All that is left to do, is run the gh-pages command:

$ gh-pages -d site

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