
If you are new to Doctave, this tutorial will walk you through getting your site built and deployed.


First, make sure that you have installed Doctave locally. Follow the instructions in the installation guide.

To verify you have installed everything correctly, run the following:

$ doctave --version
Doctave x.y.z

Creating a new site

Creating a new documentation site can be done easily with the doctave init command:

$ doctave init

This will create a docs/ directory in the root of your repository, and some pages for you to get started with.

If you wish to use a different directory than docs/, you can pass the name of that directory as the argument --docs-dir:

$ doctave init --docs-dir some_subdirectory

You'll also find a doctave.yaml in your project root now. Lets take a look at it.

# On Mac / Linux
$ cat doctave.yaml
title: "My project"

# On Windows
$ type doctave.yaml
title: "My project"

Currently, you only have the project's name mentioned. This title is shown on the page navigation, and used as the HTML page title. You should change that to be the actual name of your project.

Now, you can run doctave serve to start the local webserver. Note: When you edit your docatave.yaml file, you will have to restart the webserver for the changes to come into effect.

$ doctave serve

Doctave | Serve
Starting development server...

Server running on

And finally, go to http://localhost:4001 to view your site.

Editing content

While doctave serve is running, you can edit the your documentation Markdown files, and you will immediately see your page update. Try it! Open up docs/README.md in your favorite text editor, and make a change. You should see the browser refresh and show your changes automatically. This way you can quickly see what your changes look like.

If you are not familiar with Markdown syntax, or need a refresher, you can read our Markdown reference or check out this guide by GitHub. Note that there are a few different flavors of Markdown. Doctave supports all the "basics" Markdown features, as well as a few "GitHub flavored Markdown" features - namely task lists and tables.

Adding pages

To add a new page, all you need to do is add another Markdown file.

Let's say you want to add another page; a "How To Build" page. All you need to do is create a that page inside your docs folder.

# On Mac / Linux
$ touch docs/building.md

# On Windows
$ echo.> docs\building.md

By default, Doctave assumes the title of the page is its title, but we may want to change that. Let's add a front matter block to the page. This is just a quick YAML snippet that gives Doctave some additional information about the page.

Paste the following into the file you just created:

title: How to build

# How to build


Open up your browser, and you should now see a "How to build" link in the sidebar. And if you click it, you will be taken to the page.

What next?

That's really all there is to know about getting started with Doctave. Here are some resources that can help going forward:

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